Complete Seminar (All Four Sessions)


SESSION #1 – Self-Discipline

SESSION #2 – Wisdom

SESSION #3 – Times and Seasons

SESSION #4 – Broaden Your Horizons


1. The 7 Principles for Financial Prosperity (eBook)

2. Full Sessions Seminar Workbook (40 pages)

3. Personal Financial Coaching Toolkit

Total Training Time: 300 minutes (5 hours)

Total Value (if bought separately): Over K1,000!


Session #1 – Self-Discipline

1-Pay Yourself First (PYF) – Save a portion of your Income

2-Control Your Expenses

Length: 68 minutes


SESSION #2 – Wisdom

3-Multiply Your Savings

4-Invest Your Treasures Wisely

Length: 87 minutes



SESSION #3 – Times and Seasons

5-Accumulate Assets

6-Insure A future Income

Length: 64 minutes



SESSION #4 – Broaden Your Horizons

7-Create Multiple Streams of Income

Length: 81 minutes


Bonus Products 

#1: The 7 Principles for Financial Prosperity (eBook-Coaching Version)


The most insightful award winning book on finances from a biblical point of view. This material will shock you into doing what you have always wanted to do – financially – but were afraid to get started!


Based on the seminar, conference and 4 set DVD of the same title, this book takes you through the financial landscape today and give you a detailed analysis of what money is, and how you can grasp the principles necessary to start on the road to long term financial freedom and security.

#2: Full Sessions Seminar Workbook (40 pages)

Each session (x4) gets a full fledged exercise handout in which you fill in your answers to the various questions to help you get started on your journey toward Financial security. Each blind bullet that was raised in the write up in each session is not only answered, but allows you the opportunity to use these answers to formulate your financial strategy.

This is conveniently in PDF to allow for comments and edits so that you have a ready-to-print version for your use.

#3. Personal Financial Coaching Toolkit

Get off to a good start by downloading and customizing the following tools to get you on your way to good financial habits.

a) Excel Spreadsheet Templates which include Budget Ratio, Current Personal Financial Statement, Loan Amortization Calculator, Household Monthly Budget, Lifetime Savings Calculator, Mortgage Qualification Worksheet, Rent vs Buy Analysis

b) Time Budgeting Document – Best to help one get started with good time management habits

c) Mortgage Forms & Requisites (Zambia) – Please note these are always changing and thus may no longer be accurate due to the passage of time. Contact banks for current (latest) forms and requirements


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