SESSION #4 Broaden Your Horizons


SESSION #4 – Broaden Your Horizons

7-Create Multiple Streams of Income

Length: 81 minutes


SESSION #4: Broadening Your Horizons

7-Create Multiple Streams of Income

Here you will learn the following

The Law of Attraction

  • The one major factor that determines how much wealth comes your way and settles with you
  • The power of thoughts – this determines whether you attract or repel money
  • How perception governs your reward in life (Attraction Marketing) and how it plays a huge role as to your long term wealth status

The Law of Reciprocity

  • The three things you are sowing right now and how knowing makes a massive difference
  • What in essence is the right ground to sow into?

The Law of Averages

  • The 80/20 Rule Of Returns – the best justification for never giving up!
  • The Law Of Momentum and how it affects your initial input
  • How to leverage the 80/20 rule of returns and the law of momentum for maximum returns

The sophisticated investor’s sources of income

  •  Big businesses – how the rich leverage OPE ( Other People’s Effort), OPT ( Other People’s Time) and OPM ( Other People’s Money) for wealth creation
  •  Productive assets – the best way to create passive income
  • How to leverage derivatives to literally create money “ out of thin air”!
  • Why commodities are your safest bet against any eventuality
  • The #1 secret of the ultra-rich – derivatives, how they use them and how you can create them too

Length of Training: 81 minutes


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