SESSION #2 Wisdom


SESSION #2 – Wisdom

3-Multiply Your Savings

4-Invest Your Treasures Wisely

Length: 87 minutes


SESSION #2: Wisdom

3-Multiply Your Savings

Here you will learn the following

  • The true origins of money and why that has a major factor in changing your mindset toward it
  • The big secret about money and currency that very few know about – this alone is the core reason behind the super-rich and why they continue to get richer and the poor continue to get poorer
  • Why the cash you hold today is not “real” and how to change that to your advantage
  • The secret behind how banks and the elite create their very own “money printing” systems and how to use this to your advantage
  • The 3 things that are this very minute killing your savings

4-Invest Your Treasures Wisely

Here you will learn the following

  • What investments and businesses to avoid like the plague – unless you are prepared to lose all your money
  • The average investor’s sources of money – and why you should only use them as a stepping stone
  •  5 Truths your broker or investment banker does not want you to know 
  • The power of your spoken word and mind set – this is the root and core reason behind poverty in the majority of people

Length of Training: 87 minutes


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