The 7 Principles for Financial Prosperity (eBook)



The most insightful award winning book on finances from a biblical point of view. This material will shock you into doing what you have always wanted to do – financially – but were afraid to get started!


Time tested Biblical principles for wealth creation.


The most insightful award winning book on finances from a biblical point of view. This material will shock you into doing what you have always wanted to do – financially – but were afraid to get started!


Based on the seminar, conference and 4 set DVD of the same title, this book takes you through the financial landscape today and give you a detailed analysis of what money is, and how you can grasp the principles necessary to start on the road to long term financial freedom and security.


  • little secret about giving the rich know that leads to great wealth!
  • How life insurance and savings are actually making you poorer
  • Why saving for “rainy days” may be the worst thing you are doing
  • The ugly truth about life insurance and savings your banker/insurer will never tell you – ever!


  • How the rich are using and leveraging debt to create massive wealth
  • The Messiah complex and how that is a major factor in perpetuating poverty, especially in the third world! 
  • 7 Common Reasons why most people get into bad debt and how to overcome them.


  • The true origins of money and why that has a major factor in changing your mindset toward it
  • The big secret about money and currency that very few know about – this alone is the core reason behind the super-rich and why they continue to get richer and the poor continue to get poorer
  • Why the cash you hold today is not “real” and how to change that to your advantage
  • The secret behind how banks and the elite create their very own “money printing” systems and how to use this to your advantage
  • The 3 things that are this very minute killing your savings


  • What investments and businesses to avoid like the plague – unless you are prepared to lose all your money
  • The average investor’s sources of money – and why you should only use them as a stepping stone
  •  5 Truths your broker or investment banker does not want you to know 
  • The power of your spoken word and mind set – this is the root and core reason behind poverty in the majority of people


  • The major difference between the rich and the poor with regards to assetsliabilities and debt 
  • Joseph’s 5 Simple wealth principles (Gen 41:41-47) that turned Egypt into the wealthiest nation at its time
  • 1. Insider Speculating – Learn the #1 Secret the rich don’t want you to know!
  • 2. Knowing Trends – This will always keep you miles ahead of your peers!
  • 3. Exponential Multiplication – How to grow wealth in multiples and powers of…!
  • 4. Leveraging Knowledge – When utilized wisely, what the masses don’t know will certainly make you richer!
  • 5. Tangible Assets – The hush-hush method behind wealth retention the poor never even know about!


  • Why depending on a pension or insurance is financial suicide
  • The work paradigm – this is worth its weight in gold – know this and join 5% of the population in the know – the majority carry on slaving away!
  • Another three extra secrets of the rich that ensures their wealth retention that most people have no clue about – ever!


The Law of Attraction

  • The one major factor that determines how much wealth comes your way and settles with you
  • The power of thoughts – this determines whether you attract or repel money
  • How perception governs your reward in life (Attraction Marketing) and how it plays a huge role as to your long term wealth status

The Law of Reciprocity

  • The three things you are sowing right now and how knowing makes a massive difference
  • What in essence is the right ground to sow into?

The Law of Averages

  • The 80/20 Rule Of Returns – the best justification for never giving up!
  • The Law Of Momentum and how it affects your initial input
  • How to leverage the 80/20 rule of returns and the law of momentum for maximum returns

The sophisticated investor’s sources of income

  •  Big businesses – how the rich leverage OPE ( Other People’s Effort), OPT ( Other People’s Time) and OPM ( Other People’s Money) for wealth creation
  •  Productive assets – the best way to create passive income
  • How to leverage derivatives to literally create money “ out of thin air”!
  • Why commodities are your safest bet against any eventuality
  • The #1 secret of the ultra-rich – derivatives, how they use them and how you can create them too


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